Pierce Washington-Pierce is the brains of the Saints and also joined in the last game. She normally loves to score weed and is often laidback, however she has adopted a more serious image so the other members of the gang can take her seriously, as well as the gang's enemies. Shaundi-Shaundi is a member of the Saints who joined in the last game. He hates how the Saints have become celebrities and hopes that the Saints will one day return to their roots. After his wife Aisha was killed in the previous game, his is more pent up than ever and always itching for a fight. Johnny Gat-Johnny is the right hand man of the Boss and has worked alongside him since the beginning of the saints row series.

He is the leader and in the previous game, he reformed the saints and took control of another town called stilwater. As the story is narrated as if it were a game, he is the player and protagonist of the story. The Boss-The Boss is the leader of the 3rd Street Saints.

However, after it goes horribly wrong, the Saints eventually realise that they should return to gangbanging instead of advertising energy drinks and hairspray. After a long time of milking in all of the money as well as building up their reputation, the Saints have decided to rob one of the biggest banks of Stilwater and take all of the money for themselves. Allied with their former enemy corporation Ultor, which is now led by Saints friend Eric Gryphon, the Saints have created the Saints-Ultor Media Group, which has turned the Saints into celebrities. With The Brotherhood, The Ronin and The Sons of Samedi destroyed, former Ultor CEO Dane Vogel dead along with Julius Little as well as Dexter Jackson chased out of town, the Saints took over Stilwater for themselves.